Sermons . ch a cafe,fubmitted to his Fathers will. All the af-fiftance given him by the Divine Nature,which was joined with him, was, only tofupport him in life, fo long as the vengeancewas in execution, but not intended to leflenthe intenfenefs of his fuflerings; and howgreat thofe were, appeared evidently from 68 ON THE REDEMPTION. his laft words; for, when he found the Divi-nity forfaking him, he had ftrength and timeto utter no more than this fliort fentence, £//,Eli^lama fabachthani^ my God, my God,i,e. Thou God, the Second Perfon, who artjointly bound with me to efFed: the falvationof ma

Sermons . ch a cafe,fubmitted to his Fathers will. All the af-fiftance given him by the Divine Nature,which was joined with him, was, only tofupport him in life, fo long as the vengeancewas in execution, but not intended to leflenthe intenfenefs of his fuflerings; and howgreat thofe were, appeared evidently from 68 ON THE REDEMPTION. his laft words; for, when he found the Divi-nity forfaking him, he had ftrength and timeto utter no more than this fliort fentence, £//,Eli^lama fabachthani^ my God, my God,i,e. Thou God, the Second Perfon, who artjointly bound with me to efFed: the falvationof mankind. Why hafi thou forfaken me?—Thus he died on the crofs; and fo paid thefatisfad;ion of temporal death due to man, or,as the Apoftle to the Hebrews fays (ii. 9.)He was made a little lower than the Angels—that he might tafte death for every man. Butwhen the fufFering part was over, he rofe a-gain triumphant and victorious j and by Thatgave full proof that he had conquered Satan^death and the SER- [ 69 ] SERMON IV. On the Redemption* I Cor. i. 23, 24. Bitt we preach Chriji crucified, unto the Jewsa Jiumbling-block, and unto the Greeks, fool-ifinefs. But unto them which are called, bothJews and Greeks, Chriji the power of God,and the wifdofn of God, ^%W^ N a former difcourfe on thefe words^ I B I laid before you the fcheme of^.MMjb! mans Redemption as effedted byChrifi; a fcheme, as I then fhewd you, al-together worthy the Divine Wifdom. Andhowever impoffible it was for Reafon to havedifcovered it, yet being once difcovcred, itcannot but appear highly agreeable, andconfonant to Reafon ^ fo fitly does each part 70 ON THE REDEMPTION. fupport and ftrengthen the whole, fo juftlyare all exigences anfwerd, and all the attri-butes of God defended; while we fee andare aftoniflid, how, in this difpenfation, Juf-tice, Mercy and T^ruth are met together-y howrighteoufnefs and peace have kijfed each proceed now Ildly. To anfwer the objedlions which theDeijis and Socini

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