. Comparative anatomy. Anatomy, Comparative. 414 COIkCPARATIVE ANATOMY fusion of the uteri are represented in the placental mammals—uterus duplex, bipartitus, bicornis, and, in primates, uterus simplex. Even in the primates, however, the original duplex character of the Muellerian ducts is retained in the paired uterine tubes. (Fig. 339) External genital organs also make their appearance in mammals. Copulatory organs are, however, not wholly new in this group. Some of the flatworms have an intromittent organ by which sperm is conveyed. Fig. 340.—Diagrams of male urogenitalia in I, monotreme; I
. Comparative anatomy. Anatomy, Comparative. 414 COIkCPARATIVE ANATOMY fusion of the uteri are represented in the placental mammals—uterus duplex, bipartitus, bicornis, and, in primates, uterus simplex. Even in the primates, however, the original duplex character of the Muellerian ducts is retained in the paired uterine tubes. (Fig. 339) External genital organs also make their appearance in mammals. Copulatory organs are, however, not wholly new in this group. Some of the flatworms have an intromittent organ by which sperm is conveyed. Fig. 340.—Diagrams of male urogenitalia in I, monotreme; II, marsupials; and III, monodelphs. a, anus; b, bladder; c, cloaca; cm, corpus cavernosum urethrae; c/), corp. cav. penis; cd, Cowper's gland; p, perineum; pg, prostate gland; r, rectum; s, symphysis pubis; t, testis; u, ureter; v, vas deferens; vg, vesicular gland; vm, ventral muscles. (Prom Kingsley's "Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates," after Weber.) to the seminal receptacle of another individual. In elasmobranchs, the pelvic fins of the male are modified as claspers which in copulation are inserted into the cloaca of the female. None of these structures however are morphologically comparable with the phallus of mammals. The free posterior extremity of the paired erectile folds in the floor of the cloaca of chelonia forms a glans. In monotremes likewise, the phallus points posteriorly and is contained in the floor of the cloaca. In the walls of the monotreme cloaca, the seminal groove of the reptile has become a tubular canal surrounded by erectile tissue, the corpus cavemosum urethrae. This canal is used in. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original Neal, Herbert V. (Herbert Vincent), 1869-1940; Rand, Herbert W. (Herbert Wilbur), 1872-1960. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookpublisherphi, booksubjectanatomycomparative