PHILADELPHIA Holmesburg. Evarts Jackson Ditman Tulip Blakiston BROMLEY 1929 map

Part of 41st Ward. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Bromley and Co., civil engineers. Provenance: "Atlas of the City of Philadelphia. 23rd & 41st Wards. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans" published by Bromley and Co. 147 N. Fifth St. Philadelphia. Type: Large folio linen-backed antique fire insurance map. This map was prepared for fire insurance purposes by the civil engineering firm GW Bromley. The map shows part of the Holmesburg suburb of the city of Philadelphia. The map includes all or part of the following: Frankford Avenue, Blakiston Street, Strahle Street, Pennypack Street, Megargee Street, Mower Street, Placid Street, Tulip Street

Size: 9375px × 6584px
Location: Pennsylvania
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1929, 20th, 23rd, 41st, actual, antique, atlas, backed, blakiston, bromley, century, city, civil, ditman, engineering, engineers, evarts, fire, firm, folio, holmesburg, includes, insurance, jackson, linen, map, official, part, pennsylvania, philadelphia, plans, plate, purposes, st, suburb, surveys, tulip, twentieth, vintage, ward, wards