Africa drawn from the best maps by T. Jefferys. Tribal regions 1748 old

Africa drawn from the best maps by T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Thomas Jefferys. Provenance: "Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle", by Sylvanus Urban, Gent. London: Printed by Edw. Cave, Jun. at St. John's Gate . Type: Antique copperplate map. One of few pre-1800 antique maps of Africa to be delineated by tribal regions

Size: 3132px × 2933px
Location: Africa
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1748, 1800, 18th, africa, antique, cave, century, chronicle, copperplate, delineated, drawn, edw, eighteenth, gate, gent, gentleman, geographer, highness, historical, jefferys, john, london, magazine, map, maps, pre, prince, printed, regions, royal, st, sylvanus, thomas, tribal, urban, vintage, wales