Archive image from page 127 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 liarge York. A larger varietj- than the Early York, which it somewhat resembles. The head is broader, and more firm and solid. Per pkt., 0 . . . .20 Large Late Drumhead. Heads large; round, sometimes flattencil a little at the top; close and firm; very hardy, and keeps well for a winter cabbage. Per pkt,. 10 .30 Large French Oxheart. A variety which is taking the place of many others. It is tender,

Archive image from page 127 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 liarge York. A larger varietj- than the Early York, which it somewhat resembles. The head is broader, and more firm and solid. Per pkt., 0 . . . .20 Large Late Drumhead. Heads large; round, sometimes flattencil a little at the top; close and firm; very hardy, and keeps well for a winter cabbage. Per pkt,. 10 .30 Large French Oxheart. A variety which is taking the place of many others. It is tender, forms its heads readily, and well-flavored. Per pkt., 10 . . .30 Little Pixie. A comparatively new variety; makes a small delicate-flavored head; one of the very earliest and best. Per pkt., 10 30 Stone Mason Drumhead. Originated by Mr. Mason, of Marblehead, Mass. It is characterized for its sweetness and for its reliablity for forming a solid head. It is also an excellent variety for northern hititudes. Per pkt., 10 .40 MARBLEHEAD MAMMOTH DRUMHEAD CABBAGE, Marblehead Mammoth Drumhead. The largest Cabbage in the world. This (the Mammoth) is, without douht, the largest variety of the Cab- bage famih' in the world, being the result of the extreme of high culture. In form this variety differs, the head being sometimes nearly hemisjiheri- cal, at other times nearly flat. Under high culture it is compact and hard. Its size is indeed mammofii, ranging from that of a lialf-bushel measure up to that of a two-bushel basket, and even larger. They have been grown, and, when stripped of all waste leaves, could not be got into a two-bushel basket. Per pkt., lo 40 Foltler's Improved Brunswick. Tlie Earliest, Shortest-siemme/i, and very best Drum- litiul i/ct ofj'crcd. The Boston market-gardeners all use it in preference to anv other. Everj' plant produces a good head, — when fully grown weighing from twenty to thirty pounds. — and requiring only ordinary cultivation. The quality is exce

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Photo credit: © Bookive / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
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Keywords: 1800, 1870, 1878, americana, archive, biodiversity, book, bookauthor, bookcentury, bookcollection, bookcontributor, bookdecade, bookpublisher, booksubject, bookyear, boston_mass_curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticul, curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticultural_warehouse, drawing, fedlink, flowers_seeds_catalogs, henry_g_gilbert_nursery_and_seed_trade_catalog_collec, historical, history, illustration, image, kitchen_gardens_catalogs, nursery_stock_massachusetts_catalogs, page, picture, print, reference, u_s_department_of_agriculture_national_agricultu, usda_nurseryandseedcatalog, usdanationalagriculturallibrary, vintage