. The American journal of anatomy. Fig. 19. Brain of Kishu (after Hrdlicka ; drawn by the author from the speci-men) ; lateral view of the left Fig. 20. Brain of Kishu (after Hrdlicka; drawn bj the author from the speci-men); lateral view of the right hemicerebrum. Edward Anthony Spitzka 65 fissures is also iinieli more intricate in configuration. The callosal gyreis simple. Tlie paracentral gyre is of the same shape and size as itsfellow. Orbital Surface.—The well-marked transorbital fissure distinctly de-marcates the postorbital from the preorbital region. The latter is divide
. The American journal of anatomy. Fig. 19. Brain of Kishu (after Hrdlicka ; drawn by the author from the speci-men) ; lateral view of the left Fig. 20. Brain of Kishu (after Hrdlicka; drawn bj the author from the speci-men); lateral view of the right hemicerebrum. Edward Anthony Spitzka 65 fissures is also iinieli more intricate in configuration. The callosal gyreis simple. Tlie paracentral gyre is of the same shape and size as itsfellow. Orbital Surface.—The well-marked transorbital fissure distinctly de-marcates the postorbital from the preorbital region. The latter is dividedinto several sagittal gyres. Fissures of the Parietal A^D Occipital Lobes (Lateral Surface).—The Postcentral Fissural ^In this case the postcentral and sub-central elements are separated from each other. The postcentral is tri-radiate, with its dorsal and caudal limbs embracing the caudal paracentrallimb. The longer, ventral limb anastomoses with the parietal. The sub-central and transpostcentral are confliient over a deep vadum, and jointhe sylvian. The parietal is a tortuous fissure, cm. in length, and separated fromthe paroccipital
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Photo credit: © The Reading Room / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookdecade1900, booksubjectanatomy, bookyear1901