Child Krishna Vatapattrasayi, naked

Child Krishna Vatapattrasayi, naked apart from his jewelry and the shawl, draped over his elbow, on which he lies. A garland of open lotuses hangs over his shoulders, and a row of Vaishnava namams (emblems) are drawn around his waist. Barely visible at the top right corner is the sage Markandeya, tossed by the waves, and at the opposite corner is a crocodile. Fish, crabs and various other aquatic creatures enliven the background.

Size: 2850px × 3668px
Location: India
Photo credit: © The Protected Art Archive / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: crabs, crocodile, emblems, fish, garland, hindu, india, jewels, krishna, lotuses, markandeya, ocean, shawl, waves