'Cingalese sailing canoe' by Allan Stewart. Sri Lanka 1913 old antique print

Cingalese sailing Canoe. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Allan Stewart. Provenance: "Peeps at many lands. The Gorgeous East: India, Burma, Ceylon and Siam"; by Frank Elias, Published by Adam and Charles Black, London. Type: Antique colour print from a watercolour painting.

Size: 3224px × 2366px
Location: Sri Lanka
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1913, 20th, adam, allan, antique, black, burma, canoe, century, ceylon, charles, cingalese, colour, east, elias, fill, frank, gorgeous, india, lands, lanka, london, men, painting, peeps, print, sailing, siam, sri, stewart, teapots, twentieth, vintage, watercolour