Downy duck feather, vexillum, undercoat , pinnula and quill. Keratins - horny substance can be subtle and graceful. Extreme close up
Size: 4589px × 3337px
Photo credit: © Maximilian Buzun / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No
Keywords: adown, barbule, bird, calamus, cirrus, downy, feather, feathers, fibrillar, filament, flix, floccus, floss, formation, fuzz, graceful, hair, hairspring, hand-punch, horn, horny, keratin, keratins, leather, matter, nap, owl, parallel, pile, pinnula, proteins, pteryla, pubescense, punch, quill, scape, sections, setule, shaft, skin, stem, structures, substance, subtle, tuft, undercoat, vane, vexillum, wool