The works of the Most Reverend DrJohn Sharp, late Lord Archbishop of York : in seven volumesContaining one hundred and twelve sermons and discourses on several occasions with some papers wrote in the popish controversy . ISCOURSE I X, Our obligations to live as C h r i s t lived.[Delivered in four Sermons.] i Pet. ii. 21. (latter part of the verfe,) Leaving us an example, that ye Jhould follow his jfaps. H E whole verfe runs thus: For even Ihereunto were ye called, becaufe Chriflalfo fuffered for us, leaving us an exam- jpie, Sic. St. Peter here is exhorting fervants to be fubjecT: tothai* mat

The works of the Most Reverend DrJohn Sharp, late Lord Archbishop of York : in seven volumesContaining one hundred and twelve sermons and discourses on several occasions with some papers wrote in the popish controversy . ISCOURSE I X, Our obligations to live as C h r i s t lived.[Delivered in four Sermons.] i Pet. ii. 21. (latter part of the verfe,) Leaving us an example, that ye Jhould follow his jfaps. H E whole verfe runs thus: For even Ihereunto were ye called, becaufe Chriflalfo fuffered for us, leaving us an exam- jpie, Sic. St. Peter here is exhorting fervants to be fubjecT: tothai* matters, and with patience and f ubmiffion :o berrwhatever hard ufage they might meet with from the argument wherewith he enforceth this exhor-tation is the example of Chrift. He patiently for ourfakes underwent a great load of fufferings, and there-fore highly reafonable it is that we fhcuid not repine atany hard meafures we meet with in the world. Thefoioe and ftrength of this argument lies in that whichSt. Peter addeth in the Lift part of this verfu? namely,, that 1. Our obligations, Sec. 223. that Chrifts life was framed for our example; that itwas defignd to be a pattern for chriftians to walk by,,and that we are all of us bound to follow his fteps, Keleft us an example, &c. This point of the example of Chrift is that I havenow defignd to treat of j and in fpe^king to it I (hallnot reftrain it to one inftance, that of his bufferings ;(nor indeed do St. Peters words fo reftrain it, thoughit muft be granted he brings it in upon that occafion)but I {hail conhder it in its full latitude with refpect to his whole life and converfation in the world. And in treating of this argument endeavourthefe three things: I. Firft of all in general, To fhew the great obligationthat lies upon all chriftians to follow ChriiLs example. II. Secondly, To explain the extent of this obliga-tion y How far, and in what inftances Chrifts life example to us, and doth oblige us to i

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