lord George Ramsay, 9th Earl dalhousie 1770 1838 Nova Scotia British North America Commander Chief India. governor general canad

Old Quebec The fortress of new France By Gilbert parker and Claude G Bryan Copp Clark company Limited Toronto Published by norwood press the Publisher: Macmillan Company. New York 1903 New York, : An early history of Canada's most controversial province. This history covers the early voyages of Cartier, Roberval, Samuel de Champlain and La Salle; trading companies, Quebec in the 1800s and more. Appendices list governors of Canada, 1540-1898; leaders and premiers after the union of 1841; 1841-1896; and ministers after the confederation of 1867, 1867-1900 2nd Foot Martinique, commander lieutenant-colonelcy severely wounded England. Irish Rebellion, and in 1799 throughout the Flanders campaign. He received the brevet rank of colonel in January 1800, and fought in the later stages of the Egyptian campaign under Ralph Abercromby. In 1803 he served as a brigadier-general on the staff in Scotland, and was appointed Major-General in April the later stages of the Peninsular War Dalhousie commanded the 7th Division under the Duke of Wellington. He was voted the thanks of Parliament for his services at Battle of Vitoria where he commanded the Left Center Column, consisting of the 3rd and 7th Divisions. He was appointed lieutenant-general, and colonel of the 13th Foot in 1813. He led his division in the Battle of the Pyrenees where it was lightly engaged, then went home to England in October. After the previous commander was wounded at the Battle of Orthez in February 1814, Dalhousie briefly led the 7th Division again. He occupied the city of Bordeaux and thus missed the final Battle of Toulouse. In 1815 he was created Baron Dalhousie, of Dalhousie Castle in the County of Edinburgh, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, to allow him to sit in the House of Lords by right (until that point he had sat as a Scottish representative peer). He married Christina Broun, of Coalstoun in East Lothian, Scotland, a lady of gentle extraction and distinguished gifts

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