PACIFIC ISLANDS. Polynesia Hawaii Samoa Fiji Tonga Tahiti Cook. SDUK 1857 map

POLYNESIA, OR ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Mariana or Ladrones, Pelew Islands. or Palaos, Gilbert Islands. or Scarborough Range, Marshall Islands, Otdia or Romanzoff Group, Galapagos Islands, Marquesas Islands or Mendana Archipelago, Sandwich Islands, Samoa or Navigator Islands, Fiji Islands, Tonga or Friendly Islands, Tonga-Tabou Island; The Low Archipelago (inc Society Islands), Otaheite or Tahiti, Cooks or Hervey Isles, Pitcairn Island, Juan Fernandez, Admiralty Isles, New Ireland or Tombara, New Britain or Birara, Salomon (Solomon) Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Vanikoro Island. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Engraved by J & C Walker. Provenance: "The Family Atlas under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge", published by Edward Stanford, London. Type: Antique steel engraved map with original hand colouring. The map includes numerous comments about the dates of discovery of each island, the names of the explorers who discovered the islands and other later visitors, the perceived characteristics of the native peoples, and the availability of raw materials and tradeable products.

Size: 4455px × 3653px
Location: Polynesia
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1857, admiralty, archipelago, birara, britain, cook, cooks, fernandez, fiji, friendly, galapagos, gilbert, group, hawaii, hervey, ireland, island, islands, isles, juan, ladrones, map, mariana, marquesas, marshall, mendana, navigator, ocean, otaheite, otdia, pacific, palaos, pelew, pitcairn, polynesia, range, romanzoff, salomon, samoa, sandwich, scarborough, sduk, society, tabou, tahiti, tombara, tonga