St Aubin, Jersey sea coast chart D-Day planning map. ADMIRALTY 1943 old

St Aubin. St. Aubin Castle tower. Lat. 49° 11' 07" N. Long. 02° 09' 44" W. mag. var. 10° 40'W. (1943) decreasing about 10' annually. Soundings in feet. Natural scale 1/18,200. Artist/engraver/cartographer: The British Admiralty. Provenance: "English Channel Handbook": 1st Edition; Published by The Hydrographic Department of the Admiralty. Type: Vintage colour sea chart.

Size: 1725px × 2720px
Location: Channel Islands
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 02°, 10°, 1943, 1st, 20th, 49°, admiralty, anchorages, annually, antique, aubin, british, castle, century, channel, chart, chartlets, coast, colour, day, decreasing, department, directions, edition, english, feet, handbook, hydrographic, islands, jersey, lat, long, mag, map, natural, planning, ports, sailing, sea, soundings, st, tower, twentieth, var, views, vintage