The Mount of Calvarie . E MOVNT OF CALVARIE, Wherein is contained the vnfpeakeablc MyJlerieSy which the Sonne of Gddvfrought vpon that holy Mounts when as he did there fuflfer Ptf4/A for all ^anhinAc, CHAP. I. HowtheSoHMeefGodwascond*--itodjej AHdhowthtUkelndgt*went was nentrgipien in thervorld, ESVMautent tradidit volutt L^zs^-i.^^tati eorfiw: faith St. Ltike chap:21. fpcaking of the fcntcnccvi\\ichFiUt gauc againft Chrift:and it is as if he would fay; See-ing that PiUte the iudge couldnot obtaine of the Icwes, thatwhich he requcfted, hec agreedvnto them, and condifcendcdvnto all tliat which
The Mount of Calvarie . E MOVNT OF CALVARIE, Wherein is contained the vnfpeakeablc MyJlerieSy which the Sonne of Gddvfrought vpon that holy Mounts when as he did there fuflfer Ptf4/A for all ^anhinAc, CHAP. I. HowtheSoHMeefGodwascond*--itodjej AHdhowthtUkelndgt*went was nentrgipien in thervorld, ESVMautent tradidit volutt L^zs^-i.^^tati eorfiw: faith St. Ltike chap:21. fpcaking of the fcntcnccvi\\ichFiUt gauc againft Chrift:and it is as if he would fay; See-ing that PiUte the iudge couldnot obtaine of the Icwes, thatwhich he requcfted, hec agreedvnto them, and condifcendcdvnto all tliat which they de-manded : and thereupon he didnot onely condemnc thefonncof God to dye r but alfo thatthey fliould rcuenge themfelUes on him according vnto their ownwill and plcafure. St. Cirillus vpon ^ faith that Pi/<«f theKings dcputie did not exprcfly command that they fliould cruci-fic ChriftiOr that rhey (hould hang him, or behead him, or throwhim into a Well; but he did onely deliucr him to their will,to the end. The myjlems end that they fhould doc with him what they vvouId,and rcuengethemfelues on him afmuch as they could. Djimafcen in a fcrmonfiith. That bccaufe PiUt did dcliuer Chrift, P^alHntAti eorumj vntotheir will; the lewcs gaue him that death which they themfelueswould, and alfo iniuried him in all that they could. Oricren vponS, Mathevfyizkh thus, It js tollcrable that accufcrs dcliuer an of-fendct vnto the ludge, but that the ludge (hould put the malefa-dlorin the hands of his not to be fuffercd rbecaufc thatluftice is To to bte executed vpon the wicked, that there appearcno token of reucnge in it. When PiUt the tyrant deliucred Chriftvnto their \vi^l,he did peruert all order of vpright luftice in Chrift:bccaufe that no man ought to be iudged by that which is fpokenofhim,butby thatwhichisproouedagainfthim ; andyctwith-eutany inquiricaradeagainrt him, and not giuing him the hea-ring according to the ordinarie courfe, hec condemned him toloofehis li
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Keywords: ., bookdecade1590, bookidmountofcalvarie00guev, booksubjectpuritans