Bangladesh. 20th Dec, 2014. Peoples living near bank of the river Jamuna. Bangladesh is exposed to the vagaries of nature in various forms and river erosion, which uproots people from their ancestral homes and deals lethal blows to rural economy, is certainly a major socio-economic problem that stands in the way of sustainable poverty alleviation. Credit: zakir hossain chowdhury zakir/Alamy Live News
Peoples living near bank of the river Jamuna. Bangladesh is exposed to the vagaries of nature in various forms and river erosion, which uproots people from their ancestral homes and deals lethal blows to rural economy, is certainly a major socio-economic problem that stands in the way of sustainable poverty the Padma, the Ganges and the Jamuna have taken away around 1,000 square kilometres of arable land, which is more than the size of Dhaka city and 5 to 20 million people are affected directly or indirectly, according to a study of the Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS).
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Photo credit: © zakir hossain chowdhury zakir / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No
Keywords: 3, adult, arable, arosion, asia, asian, bangla, banglades, bangladesh, bangladeshi, bangoli, bank, bengoli, blue, change, citizen, climate, color, countries, country, culture, damage, danger, day, destruction, developing, disaster, environment, environmental, erosion, food, ganges, global, jamuna, land, landscape, lifestyle, livelihood, living, main, man, paddy, padma, people, problem, refugee, river, rivers, season, seasonal, side, sky, soil, threaten, victim, victims, warming, winnows, women, work, working, zamuna