ROME. Well of 6th Century, Cloister St John 1872 old antique print picture

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Engraved by Hurel; E. Therond. Provenance: "Rome" by Francis Wey with an introduction by Story; published by Chapman and Hall, London [Wey's Rome]. Type: Antique wood engraving.

Size: 1846px × 2840px
Location: Rome
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1872, 6th, antinous, aspects, baptistery, basilica, boxers, century, cloister, collection, column, croce, decay, edifice, effects, embellishments, evening, fabiola, forum, gerusalemme, golden, helena, imperial, john, lateran, legends, medea, origin, piazza, point, portrait, print, quarter, reconstruction, report, rome, session, sixth, st, sta, sylvester, trajan, ulpian, view, visit