Andalusian chickens, cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by H. Leworthy. Cock won first prize at Barnstaple 1871 and hen first prize at Barnstaple 1872. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks Day & Son after an illustration by Ludlow from Lewis Wright’s The Illustrated Book of Poultry, Cassell, London, 1890.

Size: 5149px × 6727px
Photo credit: © Florilegius / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: ., .., 1871, 1872, 1890, andalusian, andaluza, azul, barnstaple, bird, blue, book, breeding, brooks, cassell, chickens, chromolithograph, cock, cockfighting, craze, day, domesticus, exotic, fever, gallus, game, hen, illustrated, illustration, lewis, leworthy, ludlow, ornithology, plumage, poultry, prize, show, victorian, vincent, wright