Archive image from page 17 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 ( It is easily operated by a liidy or a t hild of of seeds tu he Thi< compact. portabU\ and ;t'M<'iitl).\ ust lul IC)i':ine can be uted tor e\< ry \miei\ n| piirposr. Ail its working parts ore of liras. It is Iltleil with diKi-luirgc and auction hose for drawing wiiler fruin a stream, tank, or pail; simple in conslruelion, and easiU- worked. It throws u continuous (.trcani. Price, PHILAD

Archive image from page 17 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 ( It is easily operated by a liidy or a t hild of of seeds tu he Thi< compact. portabU\ and ;t'M<'iitl).\ ust lul IC)i':ine can be uted tor e\< ry \miei\ n| piirposr. Ail its working parts ore of liras. It is Iltleil with diKi-luirgc and auction hose for drawing wiiler fruin a stream, tank, or pail; simple in conslruelion, and easiU- worked. It throws u continuous (.trcani. Price, PHILADELPHIA LAWN-MOWERS. As these machines mav be seen in operation in nearly every town and village throughout the IFnitcd States and ('anada, anv lengthy tlescriplion of them is dcenieil unnecessary. They urv but little over Jiulf the weight ol the old style roller lawn-mowers, and are by fur tliL- LltillTKST-KUNMNO AND )LED .MACIIINKS MADE, And are wan anted tu do us good work as any lawn-mower in tlie market. PRICES AND SIZES. Width. Style. I\,ir, r I!, <iiilrvd. Weight, Lbs. Price. 10 inches Roller V 28 $; 12 iiichc.'d- 34 i 14 inehcB fs\ inch wliei 16 iiiduH inch whee Hi inch wlieels. i ' fi\ inch who sit i 18 indies '20 iiicheH 15 inches inch whc Warranted to Work as Bepresented when Well Managed. \nien orUerini; iiiachincK, iiiciition widtii of cut, ;iiul st>'lc. Send for circular. A youlh 37 One 41. One in;in 46 One innn 50 One 51

Size: 1471px × 1359px
Photo credit: © Bookive / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1870, 1878, archive, book, bookauthor, bookdecade, bookpublisher, booksubject, bookyear, boston_mass_curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticul, boston_mass_curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticultural_warehouse, curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticultural_warehouse, drawing, flowers_seeds_catalogs, henry_g_gilbert_nursery_and_seed_trade_catalog_collec, henry_g_gilbert_nursery_and_seed_trade_catalog_collection, historical, history, illustration, image, kitchen_gardens_catalogs, nursery_stock_massachusetts_catalogs, page, picture, print, reference, vintage