WRITERS. Portrait of critic and chronicler Jules Janin, 1935 old print

Portrait du critique et chroniqueur Jules Janin, vers 1860. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Cromer; Bertall, Caricaturiste et photographe français, Paris. Provenance: "La vieille photographie depuis Daguerre"; Published by Henri Lefebvre, Paris. Type: Vintage photographic book plate, reproduced from earlier photographs.

Size: 1656px × 2292px
Location: Writers
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1860, 1935, 20th, antique, bertall, book, caricaturiste, century, chronicler, chroniqueur, critic, critique, cromer, daguerre, depuis, earlier, francais, france, français, henri, janin, jules, lefebvre, paris, photographe, photographic, photographie, photographs, plate, portrait, print, reproduced, twentieth, vers, vieille, vintage, writers