Photographers' Gallery, London, United Kingdom. Architect: O'Donnell and Tuomey and ADP, 2012. Fith floor gallery and large wind

New home of Photographers' Gallery. Building designed by O'Donnell and Tuomey, detail design and construction carried out by ADP architects. The Photographers' Gallery is the largest public gallery in London dedicated to photography. From the latest emerging talent, to historical archives and established artists – we are the place to see photography in all its forms.

Size: 5017px × 3345px
Photo credit: © Anthony Coleman-VIEW / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: &, 16-18, 2, 2012, 21st, adp, architecture, art, artwork, century, culture, day, donnell, entertainment, europe, exhibition, floor, flooring, gallery, general, image, incidental, interior, kingdom, london, museum, people, photographers, photographs, ramillies, series, space, standing, street, timber, tuomey, united, view, viewing, w1, walking, wood, wooden