Amor Vincit Omnia 1602 by Caravaggio in the National Gallery or Gemaldegalerie in Berlin Germany. Cupid is shown as a trouble causing mischief maker

The magnificent Gemäldegalerie is the National Art Gallery in Berlin, Germany, is located in the Kulturforum museum district west of Potsdamer Platz. The Kulturforum is a collection of cultural buildings in Berlin, Germany. It was built up in the 1950s and 1960s at the edge of West Berlin, after most of the once unified city's cultural assets had been lost behind the Berlin Wall.

Size: 3105px × 3954px
Location: Berlin, Germany
Photo credit: © Brenda Kean / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: architecture, art, artists, arts, baby, beauty, berlin, brenda, building, buildings, caravaggio, city, collection, complex, concert, concerts, culture, cupid, development, early, english, exhibition, galleries, gallery, gemaldegalerie, gemaldesgallerie, germany, hall, historic, historical, history, italian, kean, kulturforum, masters, mischief, modern, modernist, museum, national, naughty, painters, painting, potsdammerplatz, sculptures, treasure, troublecauser, works