Naked man running toward the right Cresti, Domenico 1559 - 1638 Drawing Central Italian drawings: schools of Florence, Siena, the Marches and Umbria. Italian Drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings, Statens Museum for Kunst, Chris Fischer, nr. 61, , afb. , k2002-001, 2001. Passepartout: skrifter for kunsthistorie, Ubekendt, nr. 30, 2010, pp. 139-155, fig. 7 (Chris Fischer, "Syge tegninger: Svamp, muselort, alkohol, sølvfisk, rust og syre"), 94-109, 1993- Nøgen mand løbende mod højre

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Photo credit: © piemags/SMKM / Alamy / Afripics
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