The history of England : written in French . cots ? So great an Influence has the Good or Bad Qualitiesof Princes upon the Publick Affairs, aad the very Mannersof their Subjects, as is evident from the Hiftories of allNations. We (hall find in the Sequel, that the Civil Warsof the Anglo-Saxons were no lefs fatal to them, than In-teftine Divifions had been to the Britons. They gave oc-cafion to the Strong to opprefs the Weak, and at lengthmade way for One to fubdue All the reft. (1) Gaffrey of Monmouth. (2) John Bifliop of Cbartra fays, England was fo calld from the firft coming of the singles;

The history of England : written in French . cots ? So great an Influence has the Good or Bad Qualitiesof Princes upon the Publick Affairs, aad the very Mannersof their Subjects, as is evident from the Hiftories of allNations. We (hall find in the Sequel, that the Civil Warsof the Anglo-Saxons were no lefs fatal to them, than In-teftine Divifions had been to the Britons. They gave oc-cafion to the Strong to opprefs the Weak, and at lengthmade way for One to fubdue All the reft. (1) Gaffrey of Monmouth. (2) John Bifliop of Cbartra fays, England was fo calld from the firft coming of the singles; others from the Name HingiJ), (a Notion probableenough, fays Selden) whofe Reputauon, Wars, and Government, being firft inverted by Vatigtrn in Kent, are above all the other Ctrmans moft notable iathe Britijh Stories, and Harding ? He calld it Engejie\ Land, Which afterwards was thorted, and calld England. As for the Word Englijbman, tis usd long before Egbert\ Time, as may be feen in the Saxon Laws. And Bede, !. 2, c. 4. and /. 4. c, THE Book Il» H THE STATE of the BRITISH-CHURCH, FROM *fbe Arrival of the SAXONS, to the Retreat of the BRITONS into Wales. The flritilhCtvnh littlehtrtvn. Several: , / 17-21. frfc/i tfDubiiciusand yd. •• -+• St- Patrick Dubricius it David. 529. AFTER having feen what Calamities Britain wasexposd to by the Saxon Wars of 13 o Years, a re-gular Account of the Britijh Church is not to beexpected during that Space. It is eafy to perceive,that the Ecclcfiaftics, who were then the only Writers,were otherwife employd than in penning Hifrories. Andtho fome might have found Leifure, it would have beendifficult for their Writings to defcend to us. We mufttherefore be fatisfied with a few traditional Events, with-out Order or Connexion, fince there is no exact Hiftoryof the Affairs of the Britijh Church, whilft file was thusgrievoufiy afflicted. Before the Arrival of the Saxons, Germanus Bifhop ofA

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