OXFORD. Radcliffe Library from all souls. CHALMERS 1810 old antique print

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Drawn & engraved by J. Greig. Provenance: "A History of the Colleges Halls and Public Buildings, attached to the University of Oxford", by Alex. Chalmers, ; Published by Collingwood and Co., Oxford [Chalmers' History of Oxford Colleges]. Type: Antique copperplate engraving.

Size: 1892px × 2648px
Location: Oxon
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1810, 19th, alex, antique, attached, buildings, century, chalmers, colleges, collingwood, copperplate, drawn, engraved, engraving, greig, halls, history, library, nineteenth, oxford, oxon, print, public, radcliffe, souls, university, vintage