TRANG, Vietnam (June 1, 2018) Chief Machinist’s Mate William St. Jean (right), assigned to Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) demonstrates how to use a naval firefighting thermal imaging device during a fire department skills exchange at a Nha Trang fire department as a part of a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exchange in support of Pacific Partnership 2018 (PP18). PP18’s mission is to work collectively with host and partner nations to enhance regional interoperability and disaster response capabilities, increase stability and security in the region, and
TRANG, Vietnam (June 1, 2018) Chief Machinist’s Mate William St. Jean (right), assigned to Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) demonstrates how to use a naval firefighting thermal imaging device during a fire department skills exchange at a Nha Trang fire department as a part of a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exchange in support of Pacific Partnership 2018 (PP18). PP18’s mission is to work collectively with host and partner nations to enhance regional interoperability and disaster response capabilities, increase stability and security in the region, and foster new and enduring friendships across the Indo-Pacific Region. Pacific Partnership, now in its 13th iteration, is the largest annual multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission conducted in the Indo-Pacific.
Size: 1699px × 1177px
Photo credit: © RP Images / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No
Keywords: 2018, air, america, archive, armed, army, brunswick, comlog, ctf73, defence, force, forces, matter, md713, mercy, military, navy, nha, pacific, partnership, partnerships, pp18, reportage, service, serviceman, servicemen, soldier, states, trang, united, usa, usns, vietnam, westpac