Voyage in search of La Pérouse : performed by order of the Constituent Assembly, during the years 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794 . heir extremity alternate leaves, ilightlybent, and about fix inches inj length, and one-half in breadths The flovvers are folitary, and grow from thebafe of the flalk of the leaf. The calix is lliaped like an inverted urn, andconfifts, like that of the other genera of the fametribe, of a fmgle leaf, which falls off as foon asthe ftamina arc completely formed. It kas no corolla. The ftamina are numerous and attached to therfides of the receptacle. ^ The ftyle is fimple

Voyage in search of La Pérouse : performed by order of the Constituent Assembly, during the years 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794 . heir extremity alternate leaves, ilightlybent, and about fix inches inj length, and one-half in breadths The flovvers are folitary, and grow from thebafe of the flalk of the leaf. The calix is lliaped like an inverted urn, andconfifts, like that of the other genera of the fametribe, of a fmgle leaf, which falls off as foon asthe ftamina arc completely formed. It kas no corolla. The ftamina are numerous and attached to therfides of the receptacle. ^ The ftyle is fimple and divided at its bafe intofour partitions. It has only one ftigma. The capfule is open at the top, and generallydivided into four partitions, which contain a num-ber of angular feeds; at the bafe it has four angles,two of which projecfl more than the reft. It isfliaped like a button ; on which account I havedenominated this tree eucalyptus globulus. Explanation of the Figures in Plate 1. Branch of the eucalyptus 2. 3. 4. bark, leaves and fruit ot this tree are of. May.] of la perousEo 197 an aromatic nature, and might be employed foreconomical ufes in the place of thofe aromaticswith which we have hitherto been furnifhcd ex-clufively by the Molucca Iflands. On the feventh, 1 was obliged to employ almoftthe whole day in preparing my colle^ljons, whichaccumulated prodigioufly from day to dav. Icould therefore extend my refearches only to avery fmall dillance from our on the following day, I fet out in the after-noon with a defign of fpending three or four daysin the woods without returning at night to thefliips, I was obliged to take this refolution inorder to colle6l fpecimens of fuch plants as onlygrew at a confiderable diftance from our ftation. We had a great variety of different kinds ofEuropean grain on board, which might be advan-tageoufly propagated at this extremity of NewHolland. The tempe

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Keywords: ., bookcentury1800, booksubjectnatura, booksubjectvoyagesandtravels