RSA ACADEMY, Tipton, United Kingdom. Architect: John McAslan & Partners, 2011. Oblique dusk shot of building complex with signag

This new Academy in Sandwell, Tipton, specialising in health and citizenship subject matter, is sponsored by The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and now provides teaching accommodation for 1,100 pupils, including 200 sixth formers.  The design includes flexible and adaptable classrooms with modern ICT and WiFi throughout.  Work/study areas and quiet areas are provided along with extended sport facilities. The Academy's design has achieved a BREEAM 'Very Good' rating. The Academy pioneers the new ‘Opening Minds’ curriculum.  This employs a project-based approach to learning, which covers a combination of skills across the project, rather than concentrating on separate subjects.  The practice has responded by designing large open plan classrooms (70sqm), which have flexible, moveable walls and furniture, allowing connection to adjacent classrooms.

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Photo credit: © Hufton+Crow-VIEW / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: &, -storey, 2011, 21st, academy, architect, architecture, arts, bilston, building, century, complex, comprehensive, dusk, education, europe, exterior, general, green, image, john, kingdom, line, lit, mcaslan, oblique, partners, perspective, road, royal, rsa, school, series, signage, society, staffordshire, tipton, united, view