Morskij Muziejnyj Komplieks Balaklava (Naval museum complex Balaklava) in Balaklava, Crimea, Ukraine. September 30th 2008, in post Soviet classified u

Morskij Muziejnyj Komplieks Balaklava (Naval museum complex Balaklava) in Balaklava, Crimea, Ukraine. September 30th 2008, in post Soviet classified underground submarine base called Object 825 GTS and underground repair and technical base designed to store nuclear arsenal code Object 280. Soviet Navy Black Sea Fleet base built 1957 to 1961 was designed to survive a direct atomic impact (nuclear explosion First category of 100kt). It housed dry dock, repair shops, warehouses for torpedoes and other weapons for 7 to 14 Project 613 (Whiskey-class) and 633 (Romeo-class) submarines. The base was closed in 1993, and museum was opened in 2003 © Wojciech Strozyk / Alamy Stock Photo

Size: 2791px × 4194px
Location: Balaklava, Ukraine
Photo credit: © Wojciech Stróżyk / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 280, 825, annexed, architecture, arsenal, autonomous, balaklava, base, black, central, classified, cold, complex, crimea, east, europe, facility, fleet, fortifikatsionnykh, gts, heritage, history, interior, journey, journeys, landmark, magazine, military, museum, muzey, naval, navy, nuclear, object, peninsula, post, republic, russia, sea, secret, sightseeing, sooruzheniy, soviet, submarine, symbol, tauric, top, underground, union, voyenno-istoricheskiy, war