Paris, France, Crowd People, French LGBT Gay Pride March in the 1980's, Archives, CUARH ( Emergency Committee Anti- Homosexual Repression ) pride march, street, gay protest vintage, paris archive photos

"It is from 1971 that homosexual movement is visible in France . In March , gays , women and men , interrupt the recording of the show on RTL Menie Grégoire , dedicated to "Homosexuality , this painful problem." FHAR ( Homosexual Front of Revolutionary Action ) is created in the process. In May , the gay parade to invite trade unions , it will be the germ of future Gay Pride parades . Until 1978 , gays participate in the parade each year on May 1. June 25, 1977 held in Paris the first independent gay event, the Place de la Republique to the Place des Fêtes , in response to the call of Anita Bryant, "kill a homosexual for Christ's sake ." There again demonstrations in 1979 and 1980 at the call of CUARH ( Emergency Committee Anti- Homosexual Repression ) against " anti- gay discrimination ." Again, April 4, 1981 , 10,000 people demonstrated to call the CUARH , and the candidate in the presidential election François Mitterrand undertakes few days after the event, to decriminalize homosexuality . President François Mitterrand honor this commitment the following year. Since then, a march is held every year in June in Paris .

Size: 3000px × 1962px
Location: Paris, France
Photo credit: © Directphoto Collection / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1980s, activism, adults, archive, archives, banner, banners, civil, committee, community, crowd, cuarh, day, democracy, demonstrating, demonstration, equal, equality, europe, france, french, front, gay, groups, historical, history, homosexual, homosexuality, human, lgbt, march, men, minority, paris, participatory, people, photos, politics, pride, protest, protesting, repression, rights, slogans, vintage