Sermons on the following subjects ... . SERMON VIII. The Wickednefs of Chriftians noArgument againft Chriftianity. Gal. ii. 17. But if, while we feek to be juftified byChriji, we our/elves alfo are found Sin-ners y is therefore Chriji the Minifler ofSin ? God forbid, N E of the greateft and moft S e r m,plaufible Objeaions alledged ^^^^by Unbelievers againft the di- ^^^^^^^vine Inftitution of the Chri-ftian Religion 3 is the fmall-nefs of the influence it may feem to have,4 upon. i6o The Wickednefs of Chrijlians S E R M. upon the Lives and Manners of its Pro-^^^^^ feffors. It were natural to e

Sermons on the following subjects ... . SERMON VIII. The Wickednefs of Chriftians noArgument againft Chriftianity. Gal. ii. 17. But if, while we feek to be juftified byChriji, we our/elves alfo are found Sin-ners y is therefore Chriji the Minifler ofSin ? God forbid, N E of the greateft and moft S e r m,plaufible Objeaions alledged ^^^^by Unbelievers againft the di- ^^^^^^^vine Inftitution of the Chri-ftian Religion 3 is the fmall-nefs of the influence it may feem to have,4 upon. i6o The Wickednefs of Chrijlians S E R M. upon the Lives and Manners of its Pro-^^^^^ feffors. It were natural to exped, if God ^^^^^ condefcended to give men an exprefs re-Dealed LaWy and to fend fo extraordinarya perfon as his own Son to promulgateThat Law upon Earth; it were naturalto expedl, it fliould have fome very vi-fible and remarkable EffeB in the World,anfwerable to the Dignity of the Thingicfelf, and worthy of its Great who were blefled with fuch fingu-lar Advantages, What mayiner of per Jons(as St Peter expreffes it) ought they to be^in all holy converfation and godlinefs ? And,^r^ there then (will Unbelievers be apt tofay i) are there to be met withal, in theLives and Manners of Chrillians, any con-fiderable Marks or diftinguifhing Charac-ters, by which it might be judged thatdiey are really under the Influence andpeculiar Guidance of fuch a divine Di-reftor ? Is there, among thofe who callthemfelves Chriftians, lefs of profanenefsand impiety towards God^ lef

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Keywords: ., bookdecad, booksubjectchurchofengland, booksubjectsermonsenglish