British Isles Religion dissenters Language Gaelic Welsh. STANFORD 1887 old map

[Statistical maps of the British Isles] Religion (Established churches & Protestant church of Ireland; dissenters; Roman Catholics), Language (Gaelic & Cymraic or Welsh), Corn crops (proportion of land under corn), Grass land (proportion of land under pasture). Artist/engraver/cartographer: Stanford's Geographical Establishment. Provenance: "Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geography", folio edition. London, Edward Stanford, Geographer to Her Majesty. 55 Charing Cross, Type: Large (folio) antique atlas map.

Size: 3338px × 5804px
Location: British Isles
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1887, 19th, antique, atlas, british, catholics, century, church, churches, corn, crops, cymraic, dissenters, edition, edward, established, establishment, folio, gaelic, geographer, geographical, geography, grass, ireland, isles, land, language, london, majesty, map, maps, nineteenth, pasture, proportion, protestant, religion, roman, stanford, statistical, universal, vintage, welsh