ZAGREB, CROATIA - MARCH 4, 2014: Attractive blonde girl with straw hat and bike on Dolac Market. Dolac has been the city's majo

attractive basket beautiful bicycle bike blonde Caucasian coat croatia day dolac europe european flower flowers fresh girl grocery hair hat hay long major market marketplace outdoors outside parasol people place portrait posing pot red shopping spring stand straw trading woman young zagreb

Size: 5000px × 3333px
Photo credit: © paul prescott / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: attractive, basket, beautiful, bicycle, bike, blonde, caucasian, coat, croatia, day, dolac, europe, european, flower, flowers, fresh, girl, grocery, hair, hat, hay, long, major, market, marketplace, outdoors, parasol, people, place, portrait, posing, pot, red, shopping, spring, stand, straw, trading, woman, young, zagreb