. Sermons on the following subjects ... SERMON XII. Of the Grace of GOD. T IT. ii. II, 12. Por the Grace of God, that bringeth Sal-uatiofj, hath appeared to all men :Teaching us, that denying Ungodlinefsand Worldly Lujis, we fiould live Jh-berly, righteoujly and godly, in this pre^fent World. )? N the Firji Chapter of This S e r m,Epiftle, the Apoftle inftruds ^^^•7itus in the particulars-of ^^^^his own Duty ; exhortinghim to be diligent mjludying,iledfaft in holdi?jg fajl, painful in teach-ing, and, above all things, exemplary inS 3 praBifj7g. 262 Of theGr^ctof GOD, S E R u, praBifing the Chr

. Sermons on the following subjects ... SERMON XII. Of the Grace of GOD. T IT. ii. II, 12. Por the Grace of God, that bringeth Sal-uatiofj, hath appeared to all men :Teaching us, that denying Ungodlinefsand Worldly Lujis, we fiould live Jh-berly, righteoujly and godly, in this pre^fent World. )? N the Firji Chapter of This S e r m,Epiftle, the Apoftle inftruds ^^^•7itus in the particulars-of ^^^^his own Duty ; exhortinghim to be diligent mjludying,iledfaft in holdi?jg fajl, painful in teach-ing, and, above all things, exemplary inS 3 praBifj7g. 262 Of theGr^ctof GOD, S E R u, praBifing the Chriftian Dodrine. In the-^*^ feco7id chapter, he direds him what in-^^^ ftrudlions he {hould give to Others-, toperfons in every circumftance of Age,and in every Station of Life; That menof all Ranks and Conditions whatfoever,of all degrees and of all capacities, mightknow how, by a fuitable Behaviour, toadorn in all things the DoBrific of Godour Saviour; whofe kindnefs and hovehas been Jhed on us abundantly, throughJefus Chrift our Saviour, ch. iii. 6. TheApoftle, I fay, having in l^his, and in theforegoing chapter, inftrucfled both T^itushimfdf and thofe who were under hischarge, in the Great Branches of MoralDuty; he proceeds in the words of theText to i?iforce the PraSlice of thofeDuties by this emphatical Argumejtt-,that the very End and Defign of the Go-fpel of Chriji was to teach men the ne-ceflity of fuch Pradice: To teach them,that denying iingodlifiefs a fid worldly Lujis,they jhould live foberly, righteoufly andgodly, in this p

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Keywords: ., booksubjectchurch, booksubjectsermonsenglish, initial, initiali