. Little helpers . elses rights toes ! with which extraordinary declara-tion, he pranced off to the barn, closely followed by Tiny andVeronica. There was to be a picnic on the Fourth-of-July. Mr. andMrs. Leslie and three or four neighbor families had agreed totake their dinners in baskets andbutter-kettles, to a very prettygrove which grew obligingly near tothe little village-city where theylived, and where Mr. Leslie editedthe one newspaper of the place,which fact enabled him to have theDeclaration conveniently printed forJohnny, who had been chosen bythe boys for the orator of the day, becau

. Little helpers . elses rights toes ! with which extraordinary declara-tion, he pranced off to the barn, closely followed by Tiny andVeronica. There was to be a picnic on the Fourth-of-July. Mr. andMrs. Leslie and three or four neighbor families had agreed totake their dinners in baskets andbutter-kettles, to a very prettygrove which grew obligingly near tothe little village-city where theylived, and where Mr. Leslie editedthe one newspaper of the place,which fact enabled him to have theDeclaration conveniently printed forJohnny, who had been chosen bythe boys for the orator of the day, because he stood highest inhis reading and declamation classes. It wanted three or fourdays, yet, of the glorious Fourth, and Johnny was diligentlypractising his voice, for he was afraid, notwithstanding hismothers earnest assurances to the contrary, that it was not loudenough for an open air oration! Johnny was a very sociable and friendly little boy, and hehad recently made acquaintance with a boy bomewhat older than. LITTLE HELPERS.

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Photo credit: © Reading Room 2020 / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookauthorjanviermargaretthomso, bookcentury1800, bookdecade1880