Christopher Columbus and his sons Diego and Ferdinand. EDWARDS 1794 old print

Christopher Columbus and his sons Diego and Ferdinand. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Wilson sculp. From an ancient Spanish picture in the possession of Edward Horne Esqr. of Bevis Mount near Southampton. Provenance: "The History, Civil and Commercial, of The British Colonies in the West Indies"; by Bryan Edwards; Published by John Stockdale, London [Edwards' History of the British West Indies]. Type: Antique copperplate print.

Size: 4584px × 5905px
Location: West Indies
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1794, 18th, ancient, antique, bevis, british, bryan, century, christopher, civil, colonies, columbus, commercial, copperplate, diego, edward, edwards, eighteenth, esqr, explorers, ferdinand, history, horne, indies, john, london, mount, picture, possession, print, sculp, sons, southampton, spanish, stockdale, vintage, west, wilson