Gay Memorial Homo Monument Keizersgracht Canal King's Day Amsterdam Many LGBT couples wearing orange or rainbow colors

A boat passes by the Homomonument on Kingsday, Koningsdag formerly Queensday, Koninginnedag, the king's birthday. Many same-sex couples sit on the steps of what is actually only part of the Monument. The Homomonument is a memorial in the center of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. It commemorates all gay men and lesbians who have been subjected to persecution because of their homosexuality. It takes the form of three large triangles made of pink granite, set into the ground forming a larger triangle, on the bank of the Keizersgracht canal (Emperor's Canal) , next to the historic Westerkerk Church. The Homomonument was designed to "inspire and support lesbians and gays in their struggle against denial, oppression and discrimination." It was the first monument in the world to commemorate gays and lesbians who were killed by the Nazis. Monument design: Karin Daan (1987)

Size: 6144px × 4096px
Location: Keizersgracht; Westermarkt, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe
Photo credit: © Wim Wiskerke / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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