The world displayed : or, A curious collection of voyages and travels . ngs, each ofwhom had feventy or eighty petty lords under hisfubje6lion, who were obliged, when called upon,to affifi: in the wars. Columbus was very uneaiy at finding, that ,thechriftians, by their vices, had rendered themfelveshated by the Indians, who could not bear theirinfolence and barbarity. Guacanagari, indeed,continued a firm friend to the Spaniards, and vi-fiting the admiral at his return, declared that hehad been fo far from joining with his enemies,that he had prote61ed and maintained an hundredof his people, by
The world displayed : or, A curious collection of voyages and travels . ngs, each ofwhom had feventy or eighty petty lords under hisfubje6lion, who were obliged, when called upon,to affifi: in the wars. Columbus was very uneaiy at finding, that ,thechriftians, by their vices, had rendered themfelveshated by the Indians, who could not bear theirinfolence and barbarity. Guacanagari, indeed,continued a firm friend to the Spaniards, and vi-fiting the admiral at his return, declared that hehad been fo far from joining with his enemies,that he had prote61ed and maintained an hundredof his people, by which means he had incurredthe difpleafure of the other Caciques: Bohechicohad killed one of his women, and another of themhad been carried off by Caunabo; he therefore de-fired Columbuss allillance to recover the one, andrevenge the death of the other. This the admiralreadily promifed, and fome of the natives who hadmurdered his men were puniflied with death, andothers fent to Spain. Columbus and Guacanagarifet oiit from Ifabella to profecute the war againfl: Sct^f r-^^i/lardfcejc. OF t§ the Indians, who were affembled to the number ofloo^ooo, while Columbuss forces conlifted onlyof 200 footj 20 horfe, and 20 wolf dogs^ and Gua-canagaris of a body of Indians. Columbus, being in fight of the enemy on th^fecond day of his march, divided the little armyunder liis command into two bodies ; one of whichhe gave to his brother Bartholomew, that by at-tacking the enemy in two places at once he mightincreafe their terror and confufion. The Indianswere immediately thrown into diforder by the dif-charge of the mufkets and crofsbows, when theSpaniards rulhing upon them with their horfes anddogs, fo terrified them that they were foon routed,and many llain, and a great number taken prifoners,among whom was Caunabo, with all his v/ives andchildren, who confeiled that he had before killedtwenty of the chriftians at the town of Nativity,and that he intended to have acted in
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