Bushwick Motorcycle Garage and Garden, Brooklyn, United States. Architect: Dameron Architecture, 2012. Motorcycle collectors gar

The building and courtyard replace a marble shop behind a residence in an industrial zone of Brooklyn. We removed the former dilapidated shop and courtyard, leaving only the existing bearing walls- and their accumulated years of marble dust, graffiti, and stains from exposure to the elements. The roof is engineered to support deep soil, allowing for a fully planted garden. The design of the courtyard and entry space explores cedar as a refined material, custom-milled, sealed and integrated with a new steel frame and hardware. A series of large sliding planes form a flexible indoor/outdoor space for working on bikes and hosting parties.

Size: 5079px × 3303px
Photo credit: © Amy Barkow-VIEW / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 2012, 21st, america, architecture, brooklyn, budget, bushwick, cedar, century, collection, copy, dameron, day, exterior, garage, garden, general, home, image, modern, motorcycle, north, ny, private, property, released, renovation, roof, series, skylights, space, states, steel, timber, united, view, wood