A system of surgery / Benjamin Bell . farean Operation. Ch. XL VI. fix inches in length, as the child could notbe extracted with freedom at a fmaller o-pening. It is fcarcely neceflary to remark,that the child and placenta mould beremoved as foon after the incilion ismade in the uterus as poflible : It is thusallowed to contract, which it does in-ftantaneoufly with great force; by whichthe hemorrhagy is more readily floppedthan by any means we could employfor it. By others, we are advifed to leave alarge opening at the under part of theexternal incifion, in order to give ventto any efTufion of

A system of surgery / Benjamin Bell . farean Operation. Ch. XL VI. fix inches in length, as the child could notbe extracted with freedom at a fmaller o-pening. It is fcarcely neceflary to remark,that the child and placenta mould beremoved as foon after the incilion ismade in the uterus as poflible : It is thusallowed to contract, which it does in-ftantaneoufly with great force; by whichthe hemorrhagy is more readily floppedthan by any means we could employfor it. By others, we are advifed to leave alarge opening at the under part of theexternal incifion, in order to give ventto any efTufion of blood that may hap-pen. No advantage, however, is gainedby this, as the incifion in the uterus, al-though oppofite to the external openingat firft, very foon falls beneath it whenthis vifcus contracts; by which any bloodthat is difcharged falls into the bottomof the abdomen where it coagulates, andthus cannot be difcharged at the as it is of importance to preventthe air as much as poflible from finding accefs JELATJl. XC .. Sect. IX. Of the Cafarean Operation, 45g accefs to the abdomen, the external cutmould be quickly and entirely fhut byas many futures as the length of it re-quires. The molt effectual method withwhich I am acquainted of preventinghemorrhagies is, the tying of any largevefTels in the manner we have mention-ed; keeping the patient cool and freefrom pain, by regulating the air of theapartment to a proper temperature, andadminiflring opiates \ and by preventing,as we have obferved above,, every kind ofbodily exertion. SECTION III. Of the Divijion of the Symphyfis Pubis, T has been long known, that the bonesof the female pelvis are connected infuch a manner, that during the lattermonths of pregnancy, and efpecialy du-ring 454 Ofthe Dwifion of tht Ch. &LVI, ring labour, they are feparated in fomedegree from each other; by which thepaflage of the child is rendered mucheafier than it otherwife would be. Itwas a knowledge of this fact, and thegreat danger a

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Keywords: ., book, booksubjectgeneralsurgery, booksubjectsurgery, bookyear1783