Hot water springs at Wieng Pa Pao, Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand. Young woman Boiling eggs in the hot water

A thermal mineral spring containing a significant amount of dissolved minerals in a water temperature hoter than 98F. Wieng Pa Pao, located between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai on highway 1019. Most people traveling by road stop for a short break. Here are restaurants, a fresh produce and flower market and a bazaar selling items made by the hilltribes and lowland Thais. One popular activity at the hot spring is to hard boil eggs in the boiling water. The clever vendors have attached baskets on a long pole making the activity safe and fun for customers of all age to boil the eggs. If you can't encourage your children to cook at home, they will love to boil eggs here. Other than this the hot spring hasn't been develop for recreation use but plans are underway to develop this spring as a spa

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Photo credit: © Scenics & Science / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: boiling, chiang, eggs, geyser, hot, northern, pa, pao, rai, seismic, spa, springs, tectonic, thailand., volcanic, water, wieng, woman, young