Castle Acre Priory, Norfolk. GROSE 1779 old antique vintage print picture

To Thomas William Coke Esq, Member for the County of Norfolk. This View of Castle Acre Priory, is Inscribed by his humble Servants William Byrne & Thomas Hearne. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Drawn by Thomas Hearne. Engraved by William Byrne & S. Middiman. Published by Thomas Hearne & William Byrne. Provenance: "The Antiquities of England and Wales"; by Francis Grose, Published by S. Hooper, London. Type: Antique 18th century copperplate print.

Size: 6491px × 5122px
Location: Norfolk
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1779, 18th, acre, antique, antiquities, byrne, castle, century, churches, coke, copperplate, county, drawn, eighteenth, england, engraved, francis, grose, hearne, hooper, humble, london, member, middiman, norfolk, picture, print, priory, servants, thomas, view, vintage, wales, william