. The royal politician represented in one hundred emblems . -ples Affections than Diftruft. Don Alonfo VI. having lofthis Kingdom of Leon, livd retird at the Court of the KingofToledo,who wasaMwr,when upon the Death of Don San-cho his Sates recalled him to his Throne, with thegreateftprivacy imaginable,fearing left if it fhould come to be knownby the Moors, they might retain him by force ; he like aprudent and grateful Prince difcovered the whole Affair •this Confidence fo obligd the Barbarian King, who beforeunderfiood the Intrigue and defignd to feize him, that henot only let him go free, bu

. The royal politician represented in one hundred emblems . -ples Affections than Diftruft. Don Alonfo VI. having lofthis Kingdom of Leon, livd retird at the Court of the KingofToledo,who wasaMwr,when upon the Death of Don San-cho his Sates recalled him to his Throne, with thegreateftprivacy imaginable,fearing left if it fhould come to be knownby the Moors, they might retain him by force ; he like aprudent and grateful Prince difcovered the whole Affair •this Confidence fo obligd the Barbarian King, who beforeunderfiood the Intrigue and defignd to feize him, that henot only let him go free, but alfo furniihed him with Mo-ney for his Voyage: See the power of Gratitude whichdifarms even the moft favage Spirits *. Diftrufts between Princes cant be curd by Satisfactionsor Excufes, but by their contrary ; if time wont heal themdiligence never will: thefe are a kind of wounds which theProbe and the Hand does but more exulcérate ; and a fottof apparent Jeaiouiies, which are an Introduction to In-fidelity. * Mar. Hift. Hifp. EM- IQ EMBLEM UL TM E Scorpion tranflated to the Skyes, and placdamong the Conflellations lofes not its Malignity,which is greater, by how much more its Powerand venomous Influences are extended over things below. LetPrinces therefore well confider the Qualifications of thofeSubjects, whom they raife to places of Truft, for there Vicesalways thrive; nay, Vertue it felf is often in danger, for theWill being armd with Power, bids defiance to Reafon, andoften gets the better; if Vertue have not refolution enoughwithout being dazld with the fplendour of Riches andProfperity to refift it. If Promotion makes the good bad,twill make the bad worfe. And if Vice notwithftandingthe Puniihments and Infamy that attend it find fo many fol-lowers, what will it do when backd with Favour and Pre-ferments. And if Vice be the ready way to Preferment,who will feek it through the rugged Road of Vertue ? That is Vol. II. An Evil Mhifter^ the higher his Pofly&cc. 1

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Keywords: ., bookauth, booksubjectkingsandrulers, booksubjectpoliticalscience