blond "red lingerie" Valentina young sexy woman

The Montreal Fashion and Design Festival, a very popular activity with tourists and residents alike, attracted up to half a million visitors every year since its debut in 2001 and is held outdoor on McGill College avenue. Turning the downtown core into a series of free outdoor fashion shows and special events over the course of four or five days, depending on the year, the Fashion and Design Festival, is without a doubt one of Montreal's hottest attractions and a prime opportunity to check out local and international designers. Every year, the festival features bikini and swimmer shows, lingerie shows, casual fashion, edgy fashion and many others.

Size: 3127px × 4693px
Location: McGill College Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Photo credit: © canada / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: blond, lingerie, red, sexy, valentina, woman, young