Head and neck anatomy, computer artwork. The skull is cut-away to show the cerebral cortex (pink, folded) and the cerebellum (pink, bottom right) of t

Head and neck anatomy, computer artwork. The skull is cut-away to show the cerebral cortex (pink, folded) and the cerebellum (pink, bottom right) of the brain. At the centre of the brain is the putamen (oval), which regulates movements and influences learning. It is surrounded by the cingulate gyrus (grey and pink), part of the brain's limbic system, a primitive part of the brain involved in emotions, learning and the formation of memories. Nerves, including the cervical (neck) section of the spinal cord (enclosed in vertebrae), are yellow.

Size: 4180px × 4180px
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: abducens, amygdala, anatomical, anatomie, anatomy, artwork, atlas, augapfelnerv, augenbewegungsnerv, axis, basalganglien, biological, biology, body, bone, bones, brain, brücke, calvaria, caudatus, cerebellum, cerebral, cerebrum, cervical, cingulate, column, cranium, diencephalon, durchsichtig, epithalamus, frontal, gebiss, gehirn, gesichtsnerv, großer, großhirn, gyrus, hals, halsnerv, halswirbel, head, healthy, hemisphere, hemisphä, hindbra, hinterhauptnerv, hirn, hirnanhangsdrüse, hirnnerven, hirnstamm, hirnventrikel, human, hypophyse, hypothalamus, illustration, kinnlade, kleiner, kleinhirn, kopf, kopfgelenk, laterale, links, mandelkern, mark, nasenbein, neck, nerv, nerve, nerven, nervensystem, nervus, neurology, nucleus, oberkiefer, oberkiefernerv, ohrnerv, putamen, querverlaufender, rautenhirn, riechnerv, schnitt, schädel, schädeldach, sehnerv, seitenventrikel, seitlich, sinus, skelett, springerbody, stammhirn, striatum, suboccipitalis, thalamus, transparent, trigeminus, trochlearis, unterkiefer, unterkiefernerv, ventrikel, ventrikelsystem, verlängertes, von, vorderhirn, wirbelsäule, zahn, zahnhals, zahnkrone, zahnwurzel, zungennerv, zwischenhirn, ähne, ückenmark