British zoology . the wings afh-colored, fpotted in the fame man-manner : the quil-feathers dufky -, breaft, belly, andand thighs white, the firft thinly fpotted with black :the middle feathers of the tail are afh-colored \ thefide feathers are whitifh, barred with black: thelegs very long, and of a bright red. 187. Com- La Becaffine ou Becafieau. Scolopax gallinago. mon Sn. Belon a<v. 215. 244. Gallinago, feu rufticola mi- Horigjok. Faun. 173. nor. Gefner a<v. 503. Capella cceleftis. Klein av. Aldr. a-v. ill. 184. 100. The Snipe, or Snite. Wil. IJlandis Myr Snippe. No

British zoology . the wings afh-colored, fpotted in the fame man-manner : the quil-feathers dufky -, breaft, belly, andand thighs white, the firft thinly fpotted with black :the middle feathers of the tail are afh-colored \ thefide feathers are whitifh, barred with black: thelegs very long, and of a bright red. 187. Com- La Becaffine ou Becafieau. Scolopax gallinago. mon Sn. Belon a<v. 215. 244. Gallinago, feu rufticola mi- Horigjok. Faun. 173. nor. Gefner a<v. 503. Capella cceleftis. Klein av. Aldr. a-v. ill. 184. 100. The Snipe, or Snite. Wil. IJlandis Myr Snippe. Norvegis orn. 290. Trold Ruke. Cimbris qui- Raiifyn. av. 105. bufd. HofTegioeg. Danis La Beccafline. Brijfon av. V. Dobbelt Sneppe , Steen 298. Tab. 26. Jig. 1. Sneppe. Br. 160. PLzzarda, Pizzardella. Zinan. Br. Zool. 121. 101. Kofitza. Scopoli, No. fchnepf. Kram. 352. Fri/cb, II. 229. I N the winter time fnipes are very frequent in allour marfhy and wet grounds, where they lie concealed A: /v;. Class II. C O M M O N S N I P E. 449 concealed in the rufhes, &c. In the fummer theydifperfe to different parts, and are found in themid ft of our higheft mountains, as well as ourlow moors : their neft is made of dried grafs ; theylay four eggs of a dirty olive color, marked withdufky fpots; their young are fo often found inEngland^ that we doubt whether they ever entirelyleave this ifland. When they are difturbed much,particularly in the breeding feafon, they foar to avaft height, making a Angular bleating noife; andwhen they defcend, dart down with vaft rapidity :it is alfo amufing to obferve the cock (while hismate fits on her eggs) poife himfelf on his wings,making fometimes a whiftling and fometimes adrumming noife. Their food is the fame with thatof the woodcock; their flight very irregular andfwift, and attended with a ihrill fcream. They aremod univerfal birds, found in every quarter of theglobe, and in all climates. This fpecies weighs four ounces; the leng

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Keywords: ., bookpublisherwarringtonprintedb, booksubjectzoologygreatbritain