Frederick Temple Hamilton Blackwood 1st Marquess Dufferin Ava, 1826 1902) British public servant prominent member Victorian soci

Old Quebec The fortress of new France By Gilbert parker and Claude G Bryan Copp Clark company Limited Toronto Published by norwood press the Publisher: Macmillan Company. New York 1903 New York, : An early history of Canada's most controversial province. This history covers the early voyages of Cartier, Roberval, Samuel de Champlain and La Salle; trading companies, Quebec in the 1800s and more. Appendices list governors of Canada, 1540-1898; leaders and premiers after the union of 1841; 1841-1896; and ministers after the confederation of 1867, 1867-1900 Government United Kingdom Chancellor of the Duchy Lancaster Under Secretary State War. third Governor General Canada imperial Dominion, eighth Viceroy of India.

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Photo credit: © Alan King engraving / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: -fashioned, 1800, 1826, 1902), 19th, 1st, 2d, academic, age, antique, antiquity, atlantic., ava, blackwood, book, british, bw, bygone, career, century, classical, client, commissioner, copy, diplomat, drawing, dufferin, duplicate, educational, empire, engrave, engraved, engraver, engraving, etching, expression, figure, formal, france, frederick, front, frontispiece, government, graphic, hamilton, hand, heritage, historic, historical, history, illustration, image, imperial, interest, late, lebanon., legend, legendary, lifelike, maintained, majestic, majesty, margin, marquess, master, member, monotone, national, nineteenth, north, notable, obscure, observe, obsolete, original, period, pictorial, picture, portrait, pre, press, preventing, previous, print, printed, printing, prior, prominent, proof, public, publication, publicity, queen, rare, real, realism, realistic, reference, replica, represent, representation, repro, reproduce, reproduction, retro, review, romantic, servant, service, social, society, standard, state, steel, studio, style, subject, syria, teach, temple, time, title, tool, topic, topical, tract, travel, true, unusual, version, victoria, victorian, visual, youth