Sermons on the following subjects ... . em to the bleftednefs of the life to that there is no falvation for Chriftian, otJew, or Gentile, but by Chrift, and no efcapingthe condemnation of fin and death, without aihare in that invaluable redemption. Let:therefore nothing ever move you from yourVol. IV, K adherence 242 Salvation in Chrift alone. Serm. lo. adherence to Chrift. Steadily perfevere inyour Chriftian faith and pradice. Labour togrow in knowledge and in grace, and culti-vate the facred difpofition for the heavenlylife and glory. Every advance you make to-wards the perfection of

Sermons on the following subjects ... . em to the bleftednefs of the life to that there is no falvation for Chriftian, otJew, or Gentile, but by Chrift, and no efcapingthe condemnation of fin and death, without aihare in that invaluable redemption. Let:therefore nothing ever move you from yourVol. IV, K adherence 242 Salvation in Chrift alone. Serm. lo. adherence to Chrift. Steadily perfevere inyour Chriftian faith and pradice. Labour togrow in knowledge and in grace, and culti-vate the facred difpofition for the heavenlylife and glory. Every advance you make to-wards the perfection of holinefs is a propor-tionable advance tov^rards the full confumma-tion of happinefs; and if you fteadily che-rifh that purity of heart, and continue to adornyour lives with thofe fruits of the blefled fpi-rit, which are the plain and evident obligationsof your Chriftian profeflion, then may yourejoice in this blefled aflurance and hope, thatGod hath chofejt you to jahation through JlmBifi-cation of the fpirit, mid belief of the SERMON [ 243 1 SERMON XI. Communioil with God and Cliriftexplained. i John i. 3. *that which we have feen and heard, declare iveunto you, that ye alfo may have feliowJJjip withus} and truly our fellowjhip is with the Fatherand with his Son J ejus Chriji. THE primary objecfi of all religion isGod, and the great end of all true re-ligion is to reconcile and bring men to we may not have any painful apprehen-fions of the difpleafure of God^ nor be defti-^tute of that hope in him, which is necelTaryto our having the pleafure of fcciety andfriendfliip with him, upon account of anypad lins, with which we are chargeable, theApoftle tells us: That if we conjejs our Jins,fo as to forfake them, God is faithful ajidjujito forgive us our Jins ^, And that if any man • Ver. g. 244 Communion with God Serm. 11. Jin^ Is confcious to himfelf, that he hath of-fended God by the pad errors of his hfe, wehave an advocate with the Fathery even JefusChriji ti

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Keywords: ., bookidsermonsonfollowi1, booksubjectsermonsenglish, bookyear1769