Hot air balloons

Hot air balloons are the oldest successful human flight technology dating back to the Montgolfier brothers invention in Annonay France in 1783 The first flight carrying humans was made on November 21 1783 in Paris by Pilâtre de Rozier and the Marquis d Arlandes Hot air balloons that can be propelled through the air rather than just being carried along by the wind are known as airships or more specifically thermal airships Attractive aspects of ballooning include the exceptional quiet except when the propane burners are firing the lack of any perceptible feeling of movement and the birds eye view Since the balloon moves with the wind the passengers feel absolutely no wind except for brief periods during the flight when the balloon climbs or descends into air currents of different direction or speed A hot air balloon consists of a bag called the envelope that is capable of containing hot air Suspended beneath is the gondola or wicker basket in certain long distance or high altitude balloons a capsule which carries a source of heat capable of producing a sufficient temperature gradient between the air inside the envelope and the surrounding air mass to give enough lift to keep the balloon and its passengers aloft Unlike gas balloons the envelope does not have to be sealed at the bottom since the rising hot air only exerts pressure on the upper hemisphere of the balloon to provide lift In today s sports balloons the envelope is generally made from nylon fabric and the mouth of the balloon closest to the burner flame is made from fire resistant material Recently balloon envelopes have been made in fantastic shapes such as hot dogs rocket ships and the shapes of commercial products

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Photo credit: © Peter Chadwick / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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