A tracte containing the artes of curious paintinge, caruinge & buildinge . her they be fables, or other in-ventions j whith are to be painted. HOW THE BODIE IS ALTERED BY THE PASSIONS OF THE MINDE. CH4T. IIIL T is a cleere cafe,that the minde (according to the di-verfeaffections (whereof I fpakebefore) by reafonof the apprehenfions both fenfible and imaginatiue )dooth diverfly change and alter the bodie with fenfi-ble alterationsjby varying the accidentes thcreof,andprod ucing fundry qualities members: So thatinmirth, thefpiritesareinlargcd, infearethey arccontracted: in bafhfulnejfc th

A tracte containing the artes of curious paintinge, caruinge & buildinge . her they be fables, or other in-ventions j whith are to be painted. HOW THE BODIE IS ALTERED BY THE PASSIONS OF THE MINDE. CH4T. IIIL T is a cleere cafe,that the minde (according to the di-verfeaffections (whereof I fpakebefore) by reafonof the apprehenfions both fenfible and imaginatiue )dooth diverfly change and alter the bodie with fenfi-ble alterationsjby varying the accidentes thcreof,andprod ucing fundry qualities members: So thatinmirth, thefpiritesareinlargcd, infearethey arccontracted: in bafhfulnejfc they flie vp to the in icy the hartc is extended by degrees; in dtfpleafure it is drawncin by little and little; aslikewifein*/^ zn&feare. But fudden anger anddeftte of revenge procureth heatc, blufhing, bitter taft, and the fluxe of thebellie: feare bringes coldnefle, the panting of the hart, the fayling of thevoice, and paleneffe. Heavinefeczukth fweatting, and a blewilhpale-racflfe. UMercifulneJJc breedes a ccrtainc heavinefle, which oftentimes hmtcth. OF JCTIONS JNV GESTF^ES. n hurtcth him that is mooved to mercy j which appcarcs ordinarily in lovers,inwhomethereisfuchafympathie, that whatfoever one indureth, theother likewife fuffereth the ^fnxietie caul eth drienefle and Loue breede fundrie colours; fbmetimes red, fometimes pale, aswee dayly lee in lovers, efpecially in their meetinges. Now all thefe paflions when they bee exceeding vehement, doc bring deathrwhich happened to Sophocles ^nA Dionyfius the Sici-lian tyrant, whenhereceavedthenewesof a defperatc vidtory. The likehath befalnc diverfc others, through hexvine(fe; and iundry other mifhapshaue proceeded from the like paflions, when they aflaulted mens we haue divers exaples in ftories,which I meane not to ftand vponas being a thing more curious then ncceflarie to our purpole. Onelylwillfhew, of whatpower and efficacic fierce wrath ioyned with a m

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Keywords: ., bookauthorlomazzogiovannipaolo1538, bookdecade1590, bookyear1598