Plymouth Sound from south. Wembury Yealm Hoe Devon coast profile. ADMIRALTY 1943

Plymouth Sound from the southward. Wembury Point & Church, Riv. Yealm Mewstone, Stoke Point Bigbury B., Bolttail Bolt Head, lighthouse, drakes I., the Hoe, Citadel, beacon, Wall, Bovisand Bay, Maker Heights, Maker Church, Picklecombe Fort, Redding Pt. Artist/engraver/cartographer: The British Admiralty. Provenance: "English Channel Handbook": 1st Edition; Published by The Hydrographic Department of the Admiralty. Type: Vintage coast profile.

Size: 2632px × 1608px
Location: Devon
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1943, 20th, admiralty, anchorages, antique, bay, beacon, bigbury, bolt, bolttail, bovisand, century, chartlets, church, citadel, coast, devon, directions, drakes, england, fort, head, heights, hoe, lighthouse, maker, mewstone, picklecombe, plymouth, point, ports, print, profile, pt, redding, riv, sailing, sound, south, southward, stoke, twentieth, views, vintage, wall, wembury, yealm